All this blogging and talking about the hundreds and hundreds of tiny squares I’ve been crocheting lately in order to finish my “Bétaille Blanket”, made me go search for tiny crochet – miniatures – on Etsy, for this week’s “Treasury Tuesday”.
A whole new world opened up in front of me as soon as Etsy gave me the results of my inquiry! Oh my goodness: true crochet artists is what these fabulous makers are…… I can’t even begin to think of crocheting with thread and a 0,5 mm hook, let alone making something so beautiful and cute!
On top of my list of favorites are these:
I absolutely love this pug’s accessories ……
Please do yourself a favor and check these talented makers’ shops, you’ll be amazed and inspired!
Marianne xx
Filed under: crochet Tagged: crochet, miniature crochet, Treasury Tuesday