Just when I think I’m running out of themes for my weekly “Treasury Tuesdays”, I come across at least 4 topics I’ve never covered here whilst I was searching for some lovely crochet for this week’s feature, hurray!
No leitmotif was followed collecting the 16 beautiful crochet projects for this particular “Treasury Tuesday”, other than pretty crochet, and pretty colors ……
Colorwise I think this gorgeous photo fits right in (and I forgot to show it to you in my last post). It’s the picture Lisanne took of the deer bunting I made for her. I love the way it blends in with the dots and plus-shaped-knob on her wall!My two “Treasury Tuesday” favorites today are good old Charlie Brown; first, because he’s a cute character, and second, because this crocheted Charlie is perfectly made. Chapeau to the designer!
My second choice: these rings – to me they prove that pretty doesn’t necessarily mean complicated. Plus, this shop sells kits as well, so you can crochet your own. I like that too.
Wishing you a fun and creative week,
Marianne xx