Right after the “Kingsday” celebrations, there’s another set of holidays being observed here in The Netherlands. First the solemn, and always impressive May 4th “Dodenherdenking”/“Remembrance of the Dead”, and then the joyous “Bevrijdingsdag”/“Liberation Day” festivities on May 5th.
The weather being rather joyous as well, Lex and I decided to play tourist in our own country, and went to Lisse (home of the “Keukenhof”), where we knew the tulip fields would be in full bloom. Ah….. the beauty! We so loved driving through endless fields of fabulous colors!
A couple of lazy days were spent at “Tuin11” too, our little cabin alongside one of Amsterdam’s canals. Lots of prettiness to be seen in the adjacent park over there as well – I love this time of year!
It must not come as a surprise I hunted for “tulips” for this week’s “Treasury Tuesday”, all very pretty also, don’t you think?
Have a great week!
Marianne xx
Filed under: crochet Tagged: crochet, Treasury Tuesday, tulips