I can’t believe a full 7 days have gone by since my last blog post! This past week didn’t even have a proper “Follow-up Friday”, and it was most certainly not because of a lack of crochet to follow-up on……
Some projects can’t be shown yet, like some of the beautiful patterns that will be in Janneke‘s book (and that I had the privilege of testing), other projects were made in preparation of my CraftKitchen work. One of them will be published on the CraftKitchen-site (in Dutch) coming Thursday – both tutorials (in Dutch ànd English) will be available here on “maRRose” as of next Monday.
Super-crochet-talent Sandra asked me last week to test one of the mandala designs she’s contributing to a book; such a delightful task. In this case I was allowed to share the project via social media, don’t you agree that this is a wonderful pattern? I love it – another book that I can’t wait to be published for!
Over the weekend I decided it was about time to pick up my “Rustic Lace Square”-blanket again. I added 6 squares, and I’am up to a total of 54 squares. Not even half way …… I simply had to make a “rustic lace square” in “Sophie”-colors …….
I’m still madly in love with this blanket-to-be, and I’m resisting following-up on all kinds of new crochet stuff that keeps popping up in my head – dedicated to keep working on the “Rustic”, and finish it in the not too far future.For no reason at all, “pastel” was the crochet I was looking for to fill this week’s “Treasury Tuesday” – don’t they all look fresh and spring-like?
This blanket is my ab-so-lu-te favorite this week:
as are these pretty bracelets:
Wishing you a happy new week,
Marianne xx
Filed under: crochet Tagged: blanket, Follow-up Friday, rustic lace square, Treasury Tuesday