When I saw the cute little red Instagram-purse, that was in last week’s “Treasury Tuesday”, I immediately thought there must be more Instagram-related crochet on Etsy. And, how right was I about that!
Would you just look at these fun-fun Instagram infused crochet projects in this week’s “Treasury Tuesday”?
I remember having made an Instagram pouch myself – a long time ago; I must have gifted it to someone, because I can’t find it anywhere. Luckily there’s Instagram itself to prove I really did make it ;)
It’s quite impossible to pick a favorite, for obvious reasons – they do look a lot alike – but these two are this week’s top of the bill:
Speaking of Instagram: I think it’s my most favorite social media – I absolutely love the warm, inspiring and supportive crochet/craft community I’ve found there. You can find me here (@marretjesroos), and in case I haven’t found you there yet, please leave your ig-name in the comments!
Have a happy week everyone,
Marianne xx
Filed under: crochet Tagged: Instagram, Treasury Tuesday