It’s funny how – generally speaking – the color grey can easily be associated with “dull” and “boring”. However, this week’s “Treasury Tuesday” list of beautiful crochet all in grey simply makes my heart sing!
I think the color grey actually adds a very stylish touch to these projects, and I really like that – wouldn’t you agree?
Picking my two favorites from this list was definitely not easy (it’s never, I can assure you …..), and I can’t help myself but highlight Berniole’s gorgeous crochet one more time. I’m a big fan of her work.
My second favorite is the upcycled crochet sweater I found – I só like handcrafted projects getting a second life. Makes me wonder who created it ……
Wishing you anything but a dull week!
Marianne xx
PS: you are aware of the fact that you can always click the images in the “Treasury Tuesday”-posts to take you to either the list itself, and/or the highlighted makers?
Filed under: crochet Tagged: crochet, Treasury Tuesday