Yay! We’re celebrating 52 weeks of “Treasury Tuesday” today!
Can you believe I have actually made 52 of these collages èvery síngle wéék, since I posted the very first one on the blog on October 7, 2014?
And, hurray for hashtags, because if you click here, you’ll actually be able to see them all 52! Here‘s where you’ll find the last 24 on my Pinterest account.
Looking back on this past year, here’s a couple of your favorites:
My first “Treasury Tuesday” consisted of projects/shops that are my personal favorites, and today I’ve done the same thing: I’ve once more selected 16 projects of makers I greatly admire (see image at the top of this post) – enjoy, and have a great week!
Marianne xx
Filed under: crochet Tagged: crochet, Treasury Tuesday